IF you are certain that this patch should have no issues being patched over an already patched file, like the shoe stealing mod, and I assume you are using NUPS, you need to change the "If file is invalid" option, a file that has been patched is no longer the exact same as the original, NUPS will notice this and, by default, cancel patching, if you want it to patch anyway be sure to mark any other option other than "Abort". event files instead, after finding where freespace starts on your ROM. For larger files XDelta is a popular choice. These formats are no longer recommended for new patches because BPS provides smaller patch files that compress more efficiently. Patch creation for the UPS and Ninja2 formats is not supported. Can create patches, patch files and get the offsets changed by the patch. The time and memory required to create a BPS delta patch depends on the size of the original and modified files. ups files, those are really only meant as demos to see what the engine hack is all about, you are meant to be using the. NUPS Patching EDIT ENTRY FLAG AS NONCOMPLIANT Share Tweet Description: UPS patcher for. ups file is nothing more than a list of what to write and where to write it to, without support to change the location to write to, mostly because even if you changed it that would probably also not work, since code needs to be updated to match that too. ups file that goes into freespace and as many as you want that don't, as long as they don't conflict.Īn. ups files that don't write to freespace (like the shoe stealing mod) can be combined with others, so you can only have one. ups files however that's not possible, only. event files you can mix and match them if you know what you are doing, with.

90% of the time you can't do that, so what you are doing wrong is attempting to do it.